Wednesday 25 September 2013

Orthodontics Retainers Moulding Step-by-Step

My retainers are broken after 3 months of use. Its a rigid type one and i guess i have been biting it too hard during sleep and so it cracked. I still have another 3months of wear till my doctor 'discharged' me?? from using it, i suppose?...hehehe dunno lahh~~

To get a new one would cost me RM600 (super expensenvie weih!!). Luckily my housemate is a so called denture technician. He has all the tools and is able to make me two pairs of the retainers at a very much lower price ^^.....hehehheee....... *Sudden proud feeling of myself* for always being able to find better deals :DDD

my broken retainers 

my teeth mould using a dental powder - alginate (dunno wat izzit~) 

once the pink colour mould has harden, add in dental cement/plaster 

leave it to dry for 15minutes 

the finished 'statue of my teeth' hahaha - superior view 

anterolateral view 

anterior view - tadaaaa~~~ seee my teeth are smiling at you! 

The housemate will then bring this mould to his friend's lab at Seremban. So I will be getting my new pair of retainers tomorrow. Hope you guys enjoy reading my post. And time to go to tomorrow........ aaarghhh.....stomach & throat painn to the max after my OGDS (Oral Gastro Duodenal Scope) today at HUKM. I swear it was a very unpleasant experience and dunno how many times i vomitted enduring the pain. But doctor said i did well in enduring it without sedation. So, was that supposed to be a 安慰话?to make me feel better? hahahaa....watever lahhhhh......Good night peeps~ 

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